responsive design

It’s Official: Google Has Decided You Need a Mobile-Friendly Website
It’s Official: Google Has Decided You Need a Mobile-Friendly Website avatar

We have been writing about and working with mobile-responsive design for a few years now.  Up until April of this year, building or switching to a mobile-friendly platform was a good idea, but – in my estimation – not a “must have”.  That changed on April 21st, 2015 when Google announced that “we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.”  They make it sound so friendly!  But what does it mean? It means that, as of […]

Do I Need a Home Tab?
Do I Need a Home Tab? avatar

Why do I need to include a Home tab on my website when everyone knows you just need to click on the logo?  You may find it surprising to learn that not  everyone knows that, in a well designed website, clicking on the logo will open the Home page. Many of your visitors may still expect to find a Home tab on the menu.  A “Home” tab does take up space.  If you have a crowded menu it can be […]

Mapleridge Recreation Centre Site Launch
Mapleridge Recreation Centre Site Launch avatar

Black Cap Design launched the redesigned & rebuilt Mapleridge Recreation Centre website earlier this year.  Mapleridge, located in Peterborough, Ontario, is a drop-in centre for people over 50 who are looking for social, physical and educational programs, activities and events.  Mapleridge is a community-based not-for-profit organization operating out of a beautiful new building in Peterborough’s west end. Black Cap Design worked with the Mapleridge Board of Directors to develop a website that could be easily managed by staff and volunteers.  […]

Responsive Design Revisited
Responsive Design Revisited avatar

Back in January I wrote a blog post called “Responsive Web Design – The Silver Bullet for Mobile Friendly Websites?” discussing the cost/benefit of responsive design. In case you’re not familiar with the term, responsive design involves designing and building a website that is capable of adapting to the screen size of the end user.  Responsive websites will morph or shift to accommodate very large and very small screens. Since writing that article we have completed several more responsive websites […]

Andrew Benedetto Site Launch
Andrew Benedetto Site Launch avatar

We recently completed a website project for Andrew Benedetto, a Psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst, providing client-centered therapy in Toronto Ontario. Andrew came to Black Cap Design by way of Sharp Connections, a Toronto-based technology consulting company, and frequent collaborator with Black Cap Design. Andrew was interested in being able to manage the site independently, so we recommended the WordPress Content Management System – which provides him complete control over his website content. Andrew played a key role in selecting images […]

Responsive Web Design: The Silver Bullet for Mobile-friendly Websites?
Responsive Web Design: The Silver Bullet for Mobile-friendly Websites? avatar

There has been a lot of buzz lately about Responsive Website Design.  I’ve recently read several articles suggesting responsive design is the future of the Web and without it, sites are not truly mobile-friendly.  What is responsive design, and does it live up to the hype? Let’s start with some historical context.  In the early days of the Web, computer monitors were massive, but the screens were quite small.  To accommodate small screen size, website layouts were narrow.  As screen […]

Web Page Layout – How To Create a Welcoming Web Experience
Web Page Layout – How To Create a Welcoming Web Experience avatar

Are you considering having a website designed or re-designed? Page layout is something most end-users seldom think about. People are likely to have a “yuck!” or “hmmm nice” reaction to a given website, and don’t give it much more thought. Good page layout keeps visitors at your site. Nothing gets people running for the exit doors faster than bad layout. So, what is page layout? Simply put, it’s where stuff is placed on your site’s Web pages. It’s a bit […]