Content Management System

A Content Management System is a system to help you manage content on a website.

Blogging Software
Blogging Software avatar

The word ‘blog’ is short for ‘weblog’.  A blog is actually a website with a standard structure that allows you, the blogger, the ability to regularly record and share information, opinions, images, videos and links with a world wide audience.  If you want to blog, you will need to make a few decisions. Do I want a basic blog or do I want a website that has a blog as one of the pages? If you already have a website, […]

Building a Website: Your Role in the Process – A Great Webinar
Building a Website: Your Role in the Process – A Great Webinar avatar

At Black Cap, we regularly get questions from clients like “what’s involved in getting  a website project rolling?”, “what do you need from me?”,  and “what’s better – a custom-built CMS or an open source CMS like WordPress?”.  So, we were excited to find this great webinar – because it covers these questions and many more.  The presenter takes a common sense approach, using plain language…no technical jargon! When we first listened (it’s audio with PowerPoint) we wondered if the […]