New Logo, New Site!
New Logo, New Site! avatar

Old Black Cap LogoHard to believe it’s been 8 years.  Black Cap Design started unofficially in 2005 and officially in 2006 and the little Black Cap logo has been our emblem from the start.

What’s that old saying about the ‘shoemaker’s children having no shoes’?  So true! We’ve been so focused tending to our clients’ websites, the Black Cap site and logo were needing a fresh coat of paint. 

New Black Cap Logo

With a little help from Adobe Illustrator and a large pot of coffee, the new Black Cap logo was born!

Next came the task of revising the Black Cap website.  The original hand-coded site held up beautifully over the years despite ongoing Web browser and Web standards evolution. Originally, we intended to recode the site by hand – but in recent years there has been a seismic shift toward open-source Content Management Systems (CMS).  The WordPress CMS leads the pack in terms of popularity (as of July 2013, 19% of the Web was running on WordPress), ease-of-use, proliferation of plugins (allowing website administrators to do REALLY cool things), and a huge developer / support community.

All of that = the new Black Cap site runs on WordPress too!  If we’re recommending it to our clients, why not recommend it to ourselves?!

If you’re thinking of a new website or you want to give your website or logo a ‘fresh coat of paint’, drop us a line (in**@bl************.com) or give us a call (705-927-2308) – we’re happy to chat.