
Black Cap Design offers information about using a WordPress blog to communicate with customers, clients and peers through your website. You will also find information about improving your web site SEO.

Tackling the Wall of Text Problem
Tackling the Wall of Text Problem avatar

In my last post (“The Importance of Content“), I referred to the problem of “too much text”.  Personally and professionally, I love to read – but even for me, when I encounter a website that consists of a wall of text, my gut reaction is “ugh, too much information”. As I pointed out in the previous post, too little information can be a problem for search engines, but too much information can be a problem for humans.   When it comes to […]

Managing Comments on your Blog
Managing Comments on your Blog avatar

Are you thinking about setting up a blog?  Are you trying to manage comments on an existing blog? Whether you are setting up a business, professional or personal blog, you will need to decide whether you will allow comments. Blogs help you improve your website’s SEO AND they help you connect with new and existing customers. Allowing people to post comments on your blog is a great way to make it interactive and drive even more traffic to your site. However, […]

4 Reasons to Start a Business Blog
4 Reasons to Start a Business Blog avatar

If you’re like most business owners, your goals likely include improving the SEO of your website, positioning yourself as a leader in your field, marketing your products and services, and gaining new customers or clients.  Adding and maintaining a blog on your business website can help you achieve all four of these objectives and save you money in the process. 1. Improve your Organic SEO If your website displays on the first few pages of an online search, you will […]

Blogging for Fun
Blogging for Fun avatar

Blogging can be a great hobby.  A growing number of bloggers are taking to the Internet to share their interests by writing on a wide range of topics.  The WordPress CMS blogging software is flexible and easy to use so we recommend it for anyone interested in starting a personal blog. To learn more about WordPress blogs, visit our post “Blogging Software“. People who start a blog are usually the folks who enjoy writing, educating, helping or just connecting with […]

Blogging Software
Blogging Software avatar

The word ‘blog’ is short for ‘weblog’.  A blog is actually a website with a standard structure that allows you, the blogger, the ability to regularly record and share information, opinions, images, videos and links with a world wide audience.  If you want to blog, you will need to make a few decisions. Do I want a basic blog or do I want a website that has a blog as one of the pages? If you already have a website, […]

Managing Your Online Presence with a Personal Website
Managing Your Online Presence with a Personal Website avatar

Develop your online brand with a personal website or blog built by Black Cap Design! Website Designer and Developer Pat Kenney will create a customized site and Project Manager Carrie Wakeford will help you develop content to showcase your skills and experience. In addition to being a Web Project Manager, Carrie offers her skills as a seasoned Career Management Consultant and Résumé Writer.  It all starts with the results of a Google search.  Have you Googled yourself lately? Are you […]

Blog vs Newsletter – Top 10 Advantages
Blog vs Newsletter – Top 10 Advantages avatar

In this corner, we have “Blog” the young up-and-coming contender, prepared to challenge for the title.  And in the other corner we have “Newsletter” the experienced fighter and current crowd favorite.   The result: a technical draw.  Research shows that no one needs to throw in the towel just yet.  Both Blog and Newsletter have their strengths, and when they work together they have the ability to captivate the entire audience. Ok, enough of the boxing references. Most people are familiar […]

Improving your Website SEO?
Improving your Website SEO? avatar

Your web developer may have already explained that your website will move up and down in search.  For example, today you may be on page 1 and tomorrow you may find your site on page 3 of a Google search.  Your search results will also vary depending on which search engine you’re using, e.g. Google, Bing or Yahoo.  Where your site shows up in search will depend on the specific combination of words you’re using, however there are many other […]

WordPress: Pages vs Posts – What’s the Difference?
WordPress: Pages vs Posts – What’s the Difference? avatar

For people who are new to WordPress, one of the first questions that arises is “what’s the difference between Pages and Posts?” The next time you’re poking around the administrative dashboard of your new website, have a look at the navigation menu.  You’ll see several tabs including a ‘Posts’ tab and a ‘Pages’ tab. If you click on each of those tabs in turn, you’ll notice the settings for pages and posts look pretty much the same.  You can create […]

Selecting a CMS (Why WordPress is King)
Selecting a CMS (Why WordPress is King) avatar

“I need a website that I can update myself, but I have no idea where to start.”  This is something we hear a lot from people looking to establish a presence on the Web.  It’s not surprising given the range of options available. A quick search for “Choosing a CMS” will return a mind-boggling amount of sometimes conflicting information.  So, where to start? Selecting a Hosting Platform (Choose Linux) It actually doesn’t matter if you’re opting for a static website […]