4 ways to Evaluate your Website?
4 ways to Evaluate your Website? avatar

Have you ever said “I have an old – but reliable website; why would I spend time and money doing an update or redesign?”

Fence Sitter

You may be right; your website may be fine just the way it is, but before you can make a firm decision, take a bit of time to evaluate your current site.

The team at Black Cap Design developed a list of questions that will help you think critically about your current website.  We hope these questions will make it a bit easier for you to identify what you like about your site; what works, what doesn’t work and what could work better!


  1. Does my website meet my basic requirements?
    • Is my website working – functioning the way it should?
    • Is the information on my site current?
      • Including contact information, location, programs, services and/or products, content and images, staff bios/pictures and email addresses, the organization’s message/mission/vision, as well as current branding (e.g. logo, colours)
    • Is the security on my site up-to-date?
      • Including software, plugins and passwords
    • Do the links on my site work?
    • Am I being contacted by potential customers through my website?
  2. Does my website do well in search (SEO)?
    • Does my site come up on the first few pages of a search (Google, Bing, Yahoo)?
    • Do I have social media links on my site (e.g. Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/Pinterest)?
    • Do I have – and use – a blog on a regular basis?
    • Does my website content contain relevant keywords (words people use to search for my products and services)?
    • Does my site have both internal and external links?
  3. Does my website work for my customers/visitors?
    • Are the images on my site eye-catching and reflect the spirit of my business?
    • Is my site well organized and easy to navigate? Do visitors report getting lost?
    • Do I get positive feedback from visitors/customers?
    • Do people return to my website for information?
    • Do people visit more than just my homepage? Does my site have a low bounce rate?
    • Does my website work on small screens (mobile devices) and larger monitors?
    • Does my website load quickly?
  4. Does my website have any unique features and functions which make it distinctive?
    • Does my site include a payment or membership system?
    • Is there an easy to update and manage administrative panel?
    • Is there a link to my YouTube videos or commercials?
    • Does my site have a unique, fresh, modern look?

Although some features may be more important than others, reviewing this list should help you determine whether it’s time to consider an update or redesign. 

If you would like to chat with a Web Designer for more information before you make your decision, please contact us at info@blackcapdesign or call us at 705-927-2308.